100 words 006

Mark Forsyth is posher than I expected. Should I be surprised? It seems every English creative is posh now. (Deleted rant about state support.)

But, I now know I’m rambling at Piglet in iambic tetrameter:

Looking out your bedroom windows
We say goodnight to all that grows.
To all the birds, and all the bees
To all the bushes and the trees.

Snuggle in, so warm and dozy
In Dad’s arms it’s nice and cosy.
Please settle down, don’t make a peep
Let’s head off to the land of sleep.

Wordsworth it ain’t, but it’s soothing enough for her.

3 May 2020

100 Words

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100 words 005 While queueing for the supermarket, I mulled over previous failed attempts at 100 words in 100 days. Namely, lack of accountibility and poor
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100 words 007 It was 7 weeks ago today, while my parents were visiting us, that they announced the office closure. Our car was still at the garage, so Dad gave me