100 words 031

We had a front garden grandparent visit yesterday morning. A picnic blanket each and a two metre patchy grass DMZ.

Charity afternoon tea was later delivered and demolished out back while Piglet actually slept. Just regular portions of clotted cream, rather than our usual 100g tub each. All accompanied by a bashful baby blackbird.

Baby Balckbird Looking Plump

A late afternoon beach trip to Whitley Bay included Piglet’s first dip in the sea.

Once home and settled, we tucked into fresh tuna and cava.

My hair is now long enough to comb back over into a style I’ve always thought of as The Wanker.

31 May 2020

100 Words

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100 words 030 The second in the series, things that entertain Piglet: Eating the foam floor tiles Bouncing Donald Duck voice Wobbly faces and eyebrow waggles
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