100 words 032

The Chef is solar-powered. Nothing darkens her mood more than the absence of promised sun1. A common British trait: it’s why the BBC report rain on only a 35% chance. Most everyone is happy with the asymmetric prediction error.

I pretend to myself that I’m not the same, but would this lockdown have been so personally pleasant without the sunniest May on record?

The feeling is multiplied by the category difference between having access to the family and garden on sunny weekdays and an ice cream at work.

  1. Maybe believing the forecast and not sticking laundry out comes close.↩︎

1 June 2020

100 Words

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100 words 031 We had a front garden grandparent visit yesterday morning. A picnic blanket each and a two metre patchy grass DMZ. Charity afternoon tea was later
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100 words 033 It would be remiss of me, having done a Saturday round-up, to miss out on our excellent Sunday. We headed to Druridge Bay with the other