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Piglet’s Tiny Tyrant nickname never feels more apt than when I’m peeling and quartering grapes before feeding them directly into her mouth, because she’s gotten too bored and lazy to feed herself. It’s cemented by her haughty expression of knowing smugness at the situation.

Unless it’s more apt when she demands to sleep only while being held in a cuddle, refusing to lie in her cot. Cast as a palanquin, my pot-belly serving as a pillow — her breathing, a babbling brook — teaches me my place in the pecking order.

And you know what, I wouldn’t change a single thing.

3 June 2020

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100 words 033 It would be remiss of me, having done a Saturday round-up, to miss out on our excellent Sunday. We headed to Druridge Bay with the other
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100 words 035 We seem to have more garden birds this year. A blue tit family is nesting in one of our boxes and we hear the chicks every few minutes as an