100 words 090

Things that entertain Piglet, part three:

  • Bread. In fact, all carbs
  • Getting her feet eaten
  • Spinning around. Bonus points for raises and dips in there too
  • That godforsaken out of tune bus with the dying batteries
  • Boop on the nose
  • The sea. So much love for the sea
  • Noodles and other noodle-shaped food
  • Other people’s business. Seriously, she’s the nosiest person I know
  • The baby sign for giraffe
  • Wow!” said the owl
  • Banging her drum while in the backseat of the car
  • Boobs, hehe
  • The Hey Dugge theme song
  • Her interpretation of croquet with a tiny hammer and balls set
13 August 2020

100 Words

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