Weeknotes 009: It’s quiet. Too quiet?

We’ve prepped for Lockdown 2: Electric Boogaloo by having an extremely quiet week. Which is OK. Quiet weeks can be fun.

We spent Saturday wandering unpleasantly round town. Too many people. Too few correctly worn masks and misunderstandings of how far 2m is. Piglet had her Hallowe’en costume on though and melted at least 50 hearts.

We spent today chilling around the neighbourhood, which was much more appreciated. Cooked fish and chips again and we’re lying under a blanket on the couch listening to 6Music with a drink while Piglet lies in a drug filled sleep.


1 November 2020


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Weeknotes 008: Latenotes Sometimes a Sunday is less than stellar for reasons. And weeknotes appear late. We didn’t get a call from Public Health England. Just a regular
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Weeknotes 010: Month Notes Missed a couple of weeknotes for no more exciting a reason than the new series of His Dark Materials airs in my usual Sunday night write-up slot.